letters tothe editor
Motto doesn't promote religion?
To the Editors:
Today I read Governor Bob Taft's reaction to the federal appeals court ruling that the state's motto [“With God, All Things Are Possible"] is illegal because it is a promotion of Christianity.
"The state does not use the motto to promote any single set of religious beliefs," Taft said.
Oh, really? Well then, since the biggest argument against homosexual marriage is a religious one, then I'm sure our great governor will stand by his words and sponsor legislation making homosexual marriage legal in the state of Ohio. Right, governor?
Tom Potter Olmsted Falls, Ohio
Join us at the conference protest An open letter to our friends in Ohio:
On May 10 in the Cleveland Convention Center, the Archbishop of Canterbury will address 1,000 delegates to the United Methodist General Conference and heads of denominations from Christian churches worldwide.
This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to respond to their tragic antiGLBT policies at one time and in one place. But we need you, our GLBT friends and allies in Ohio, to help us make history that May 10 morning in Cleveland.
Several hundred Soulforce delegates will be in Cleveland conducting 24-hour candlelight vigils at the Convention Center, May 812. Join us. But we are especially interested in your presence at our May 9, 7-9 p.m. Pride Rally and Training Event at the Cleveland State University Auditorium (2121 Euclid Ave.) and at our Nonviolent Protest and Civil Disobedience at the Convention Center, Mall B, off Lakeside Ave, at 6:30 a.m., May 10. Our May 9 evening will feature Gandhi's grandson Arun, Dr. Martin Luther King's daughter Yolanda, and special guest s/heroes (and music) from the civil rights movement.
On May 10, we assemble at 6:30 a.m. for our final training for a civil disobedience and a march on the Convention Center behind
our guest s/heroes who are lending their lives to our struggle for equal rights. You can be arrested with us, pay a fine, and be released, or just march and avoid arrest entirely. Either way, we need you.
You can volunteer to join us on vigil or in our nonviolent civil disobedience by registering on line at www.soulforce.org or by calling our May 1-12 Soulforce headquarters at the Comfort Inn at 1800 Euclid Ave. in Cleveland, 216-861-0001. For more information, check www.soulforce.org.
Let's do justice together in Cleveland! The suffering has gone on too long.
Mel White, Co-Chair Soulforce, Inc. Laguna Beach, Calif.
At the rally on the Mall, students from a Gay-Straight Alliance group at a Salt Lake City, Utah, high school spoke of their hopes, dreams, and efforts to work for equality at their school. This group said they were present not only to inspire others but grateful to be inspired by such a gathering. If this March had not happened, when would these youth have had an opportunity to experience such a transformative event?
It was also incredibly inspiring to march with hundreds of thousands of persons from across the nation. As we witnessed persons filling the Mall and saw the news coverage, we believe that this visible presence sends a stronger message to those in leadership that the GLBT community is serious about our commitment to claim our equality. Our hope is that the GLBT community will realize that
March was powerful and affirming there are common goals that can be addressed
To the Editors:
We have just returned from the March on Washington. We are grateful we did not take the advice to "sit this one out." What a wonderful opportunity it was to gather with hundreds of thousands of GLBT persons: to claim our constitutional rights; to celebrate and affirm our lives; to energize one another for the political struggles to come.
We are disappointed about the infighting within the GLBT community that led some persons to call for a boycott of this event. Some people set up an either/or paradox of the National March versus local needs.
We do not see the two as mutually exclusive, but rather as complementary and supportive of one another. We support local causes and organizations, such as the Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center and the North Coast Men's Chorus, and we stood on the steps of the state capitol in Columbus for the State Rally for GLBT Equality in March of 1999. We will continue to support local causes for our community.
At the Millenium March, we were most inspired by the presence of younger persons. As we drove in on Friday night, a van full of students from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, honked and waved as they passed us on the Beltway. The Washington Post did a front-page story about a group of high school students from a Wisconsin town of 6,000 persons who came to the March.
at the local and national levels. To achieve these goals, we need to be united and put our energy into efforts that strengthen our community, not divide.
For those of you who were not able to attend, we hope you were able to see the March telecast and experience some of the enthusiasm present there. It was truly a powerful event.
Ken Eckstein Steve Greenwell Lakewood, Ohio
Appreciation for $9.95
To the Editors:
Without getting involved with who did what, who owes what to whom, who was insulted by who knows what, I would just like to say that I was appalled with the ad in the April 28 issue of the Chronicle, wherein Lake Effect said that they were having a Customer Appreciation Brunch to the tune of $9.95. Anyone can be appreciative of those willing to pay $9.95 a head, plus drinks, of
You would think that they could at least have kicked in for some eggs and toast for the loyal customers. As overpriced as the dinners and brunches were, I should think this affair could have been free, thereby showing some real appreciation. The gay community deserves better.
Bill Osborne Lakewood, Ohio
Volume 15, Issue 45
Copyright © 2000. All rights reserved. Founded by Charles Callender, 1928-1986 Published by KWIR Publications, Inc. 1070-177X
Publisher: Martha J. Pontoni Business Manager: Patti Harris Editorial Boards Brian DeWitt, Christine Hahn, Patti Harris, Martha Pontoni Associate Editor: Brian DeWitt Entertainment Editor: Michelle Tomko Staff Reporter: Anthony Glassman Reporters & Writers:
Doreen Cudnik, Mubarak S. Dahir, John Graves, Mark J. Huisman, Kaizaad Kotwal, M.T. Martone, Jeffrey Newman, Kirk Read, Eric Resnick, Bob Roehr, Denny Sampson, Harriet L. Schwartz, Rex Wockner, Andrea Wood, Jeff Woodard, John Zeh
Art Director: Christine Hahn
Advertising Manager: David A. Ebbert Advertising Sales Representative: Thomas 0. Marsh National Advertising: Rivendell Marketing 212-242-6863 David A. Ebbert 800-426-5947
The Gay People's Chronicle is dedicated to providing a space in the Ohio lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community for all of its members to communicate and be involved with each other. This means that every Chronicle, to the best of its ability, will be equally dedicated to both men's and women's issues, as well as issues that affect the entire community. This balance will provide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people with a forum to air grievances and express joys.
The Gay People's Chronicle is copyrighted under federal law. Any reproduction of its contents is prohibited unless permission is obtained.
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